This is a copy of an email I sent to a local radio DJ today.  He and his
partner Anna were discussing "not allowed" pets and housing that is
becoming "cat" only or "dog" only housing.  In their conversation Jeff
started to list companion pets and FERRETS was the first thing he said in
his list.  "ferrets, cats, dogs, hamsters and so on" WOOHOO!!!  so I took
the opportunity to email him with a little information.
I didn't get much of a response back, but what the heck HE SAID FERRETS
ON THE RADIO!!!!  (PS, Cathy is his wife)
 ----Original Message-----
From: Elliott, Jeff
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 10:36 AM
To:  Suzanne
Subject: RE: You are my hero
Thanks so much for the e-mail...
Go Ferrets!!!!
 ----Original Message-----
From: Suzanne
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 9:32 AM
To: Elliott, Jeff
Subject: You are my hero
Hi Jeff,
I just wanted to tell you that you are my all time hero!  In your
discussion with Anna this morning about certain pets being allowed in
apartment you mentioned "FERRETS".
There is a great need for education on behalf of ferrets, I was so
pleased to hear you say them first on your list of pets.  Did you know
that domesticated ferrets are the third most popular companion animal in
the entire United States following dogs and then cats.  The domestication
of ferrets was believed to have occured some 2500 years ago by the
egyptians and they were domesticated long before the dog and the cat.
The ferret is legal in 48 states including New York, but is illegal in
the five burroughs of New York.  It is also illegal in California and
Hawaii where it is considered a "dangerous wild animal", ferrets would
not survive outside in the wild for more than 4 or 5 days.
The domesticated ferret is also a legal pet in Canada, Mexico, Europe,
Japan, New Zealand and Australia.  Queen Victoria owned domestic ferrets
in 1875.  Domestic ferrets are also movie stars; They've made appearances
in "Kindergarten Cop" with Arnold Schwarzenegger, in "Beastmaster" as
Kodo and Podo, Cirano in Starship Troopers "Cirano,go bug Mom", and most
recently, "The Big Lebowski".  Boeing used ferrets to run wires through
tight spaces in aircraft assemblies.
Being the owner of four of "furkids" I have along with many, many other
ferret owners had to deal with the "not allowed" pet issue for years.  I
own my own home now, but there are many more out there who have had to
give up their fuzzies due to the ignorance (and I use that word lightly)
of apartment/housing management/companies and the lack of education
regarding ferrets.
I print out pamphlets and take them to local pet stores to try and
educate possible ferret purchasers about the specific needs, costs and
care of ferrets.
Ferrets tend to be a "novelty pet" and hundreds (literally) are turned in
to local animal and ferret shelters every year(all of the ferrets I have
owned are all rescues or adopted from shelters).  I could go on and on
with lots of little tidbits of information about how wonderful ferrets
are but, I couldn't wait to get to work to write you this email and tell
you how great I think you are for mentioning them.
I love ya, I love ya, I love ya!!  Sorry Cathy!  :O)
[Posted in FML issue 3910]