[Moderator's note: Yes, final whether or not someone else posts!  BIG]
>I have asked to visit since and have been denied.
You have been denied because of wrongfully accusing me and starting
trouble.  I don't invite trouble into my home.
>There was never any mention of helicobacter.
It was in your contract, yes it was handwritten in.  My contract is a
form.  NOTHING was handwritten in after your signature if that's what you
are implying.  Incidentally I think you are forgetting about the DATED
email I sent you informing you PRIOR to the kids being left with me about
a few of my sick ones.
>Kim returned my ferrets to me SIX HOURS late with no phone call or
>explanation, during which time I couldn't contact her in any way.  I was
>calling everyone I knew to help me fearing that my ferrets would not be
This is all news to me.
>That is, until I heard about the lack of vaccination and ADV testing and
became worried about the health of my ferrets, hence I did not contact
her for a few months.
You were so concerned that you were asleep when I arrived.  And you did
have an explanation.  I rather lengthy one as I recall.  For anyone
that's interested, I had misplaced the last page of her directions,
including the phone number.  I was 50 + miles from home and I was due to
meet up with someone after dropping her ferrets off, but met up with her
first.  She was kind enough, after our appointment to allow me to use her
computer to look up Ingrid's address.  It was hardly six hours, reality
says it was more like three.  If you had ANY concerns about the health of
your ferrets upon their return their is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for waiting
months or even days to contact me.  I'd like to mention again here that
Aria, your sick ferret, did not have anything contagious.
>This is not the way that reputable shelters deal with donors.
I have given you all the information in emails and writing .  I don't
know what else you want to know.
>The people on the Pooflinger board are more than willing to listen to
>Kim's response to any and all allegations and have made every effort to
>facilitate this.
Again, I will not answer to these people, it's none of their business
>Kim states that my ferrets are kept in immaculate living conditions and
>receive all medical care.  This is true.  I love my ferrets very dearly
Is this an example of how I'm publicly bashing you?  I'm confused.
Sorry that this has continued FML'rs.  I'm as sick of it as you are.  I
will not be responding on this topic anymore.  It has caused me to lose
sight of what's important, including overseeing the passing of Sabrina.
My heart goes out to you Alexandra.  I'm done with this and getting back
to what I love the most about this board, the wonderful people who post
here and their love for ferrets.  Anymore on this issue can be addressed
privately.  It didn't belong here in the first place.  It doesn't take a
rocket scientist to see that you posted here seeming to be genuinely
concerned.  I can only imagine what has taken place in private email
responses you've received.  You came here because I would not respond to
you on the Pooflinger board, another place this issue did not belong on.
On the final note, maybe you'd like to post one more time on the topic
and favor all of us with the diagnosis of your ferret that picked up NO
illnesses from my rescue per Dr. Williams.  Hmmmmmm.  Foot tapping....
Kim at SUMS
[Posted in FML issue 3910]