I want to take a moment to thank everyone who participated in the FML
Labor Day Card Exchange.  Not only were there many great cards and
goodies sent, we also raised $294.00 for Troy Lynn and Support Our
Shelters.  There are so many shelters in need right now this really
helps out a lot!
I would like to thank the following people for proving that a dollar can
make a difference!!  Thank you to Diddy Wheeler, Trish Black, Debi Boyd,
Jennifer Rasel, Yvonne Lee, Lisa WIlliams, Susan Di Muzio, Deb Carlson,
Vickey Bishop, Dawn Bohaty, Lola Strode, Robin Jones, Erica Bruczkowski,
Magaret Hastie, Gail Elsey, Marla Wadsworth, Fran Brown, Serena Decastro,
Linda Zerillo, The Russell's, Jennifer Kelly, Chris Matlick, Angela
Dixon, Holly DiMeglio, Kelly White, Debbie Zimmerman, Lynn Dyer, Faith
McIntosh, Tracy Haynes, Elena Heckathorne and Dianna Desrochers.  And as
always Mr. Adkins-thank you, too!
I also have to add a little note about all the goodies.  The ferrets made
out like little bandits this time scoring Cheweasels, Raisins, balls, a
pillow and even a hammie!  A special note to Serena....Einstein says
thank you-he's now in love with you and you're all he's been talking
There were also many wonderful magnets and stickers-even some Halloween
ones!!  Plus very cute cards and pictures and even funny cartoons and
letters!  There was a fun patriotic key chain, a cool pooh notebook and a
wonderful CD filled with great ferret photo's!  Thank you all for making
this exchange way too much fun!
Also a special thank you to Ms. Lee who included a Matching Funds form
from her employer!  This is much appreciated!!  Thank you!
This wraps up Labor Day.  You guys are the greatest!  I guess all that's
left to say is.....Yippee, Halloween is coming!!!!
Judy Cooke
Support Our Shelters
[Posted in FML issue 3910]