Sandee, this past saturday I had to take my beloved Sam to the vet and
help him to rainbow bridge.  He had cancer, adrenal, etc.  He was a
beautiful white albino with red eyes.  He was afraid of nothing.  I lost
Russell in January and his sister Cassie this August 8th and now Sam.
Please check on all 3 of them.  I hope that they will show Sam the ropes
there.  I never did get to tale Cassie of rainbow bridge due to her
unexpected death.  I have now lost all 3 of my babies in 8 months.  I
have no more now and do not know if I will ever get anymore or not.
Theysteal to much of your heart.  They were all 7 years old and had a
wonderful life.  Please let me know how they are all doing Sandy.
Missing my babies now and forever.
[Posted in FML issue 3894]