Hi Alex,
Condolences to all with Lost, Sick or Angeled furbabies
I was very saddened today to read my daily fix of the FML and to find
that Sabrina the bat-biter had passed.  It has always been such a joy to
read your funny, warm, and inciteful posts about the girls.  Especially
with some of the negativity that happens here amoung the FMLers.  Even
though i read every day about furkids being lost to the rainbow bridge,
non has affected me the way the news of Sabrina's passing has!  I feel
like i know them both like they are my own.
I don't know anything else to say that may make things any easier.  But
she will be deeply missed over here in Australia.
I have a great need to go and hug my fuzzies now.
Vikky, Tobbs and Bonnie.
[Posted in FML issue 3909]