>I am toying with Cafe Press and am making t-shirts, mugs and stuff
>that is ferret related.  I think they are cute, but I am trying to
hey april!
i've got one of these up, too, thouh admittedly with much less stuff than
april's got up.  just one design, but dammit, i like it. ;)
it says "carpe viverram" (you guessed it, seize the ferret in latin) and
has a lovely picture of tannis, sleeping with his tongue "stuck."
it's at http://www.cafepress.com/weezilarchy
the stuff's up at base price, no markup, i'm not making a dime off this.
april, it'll be a while before i have the time to screw with such fun
stuff again, but eventualy, i'd love to link our two shops and/or
collaborate somehow on this kinda stuff.
>From:    Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: service and servers; thanks to Sandee
>Ah, now, see, that is why it can make sense for some folks to change
>servers when they can, just as we each change to more reliable services
>and businesses in other fields as needed
>From your explanation, though, I can see where it might simply not
>be known by people with good servers that such hurtles to normal
>functions exist for others (I didn't, especially since scrolling is
>such a basic thing and has been for so very, very long.), and those
>with bad servers might not realize that there are options which are
>so much better than what they are suffering to use.
actually the slowness of scrolling is less likely a server issue and more
likely an issue with the computer itself.  the whole FML downloads as a
unit, so once it's loaded, it's the computer speed that has to do with
how fast one can scroll past the extraneous (to them) bits of it.  and
upgrading a computer can be a little more cost-prohibitive than switching
of course, for someone with server issues as well, they might live in a
region where good service isn't available.
(this is one of the reasons i adore BIG -- the list, being text-only, is
wonderfully low-tech, i coudl read it with PINE if i wanted!)
anyway. geektalk over.
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        \(_  \(_   ferrets may nip, but people just suck.
[Posted in FML issue 3908]