Hi again fellow fuzzy lovers.  Anyone have any fuzzies that snore?  Or do
they make the cutest little sounds when they sleep?  It's not only fun to
see them romping around when they're awake, but they are so adorable when
they are asleep!  I sometimes stay in the room with them after playtime
is over just to see them cuddle up with each other, and of course figure
out who's snoring.  By the way, my ferts and I agree with everyone who
find the Verizon commerical offensive.  A friend of mine, who is also
owned by 11 fuzzies, told me about it.  I'm glad I didn't see it, and I'm
glad I don't own a cell phone.  Love and snuggle your fuzzies!!
Patty Bazar & Frisky, Sunshine, Vincent "Vin Weasel", Shelby, "Fig"
[Posted in FML issue 3872]