I am looking for a book or particular website for aggressive biting.
I went against my rule yesterday.
I went to the petstore yesterday right before class to let them know I
will be bringing in the the feathered bunch for wing clipping.  As soon
as I went in.  The manager asked me if I wanted a ferret that he had.  I
looked at him crazy because I know he would not have a ferret at his home
because he is a bird person.
He explained that a store had a ferret that was aggressive.  They gave
the ferret to his store.  That hadn't planned on her being as aggressive
as they thought.  She is approx 3 - 4 months old.  I know if they had
handled her right in the beginning she would not be in the state she is.
I also found out some instances that have occured with this ferret from
employees at the store and customers because they did not separate.  They
could have called Marshall Farms when the first notice of aggressiveness.
They will give them info on that.  I did that last year when I worked
there because a kit came in very aggressive.  I did exactly what they
told me.  It worked.
I will be addressing the store and employees on what they can do for the
future.  She has jacked me up last night.  I feel she reacts out of being
scared and what they did when she reacted did not help the problem at
all.  First sight of skin, particularily the hands its fair game for her.
Her trust level is shot.  And Juliana from Ferret Business of Georgia I
hope you have your hearing back :).  Sorry.  I got nailed when I was
speaking to her on the phone.  Drew blood.  Time will tell.  I have the
patience so the games are on.
I do know there was a way to handle them.  I need to find that mag.
Please direct me to the websites or books.
Thank you my challenge is on.  For all that knew of Vamp Lu she is fine
and fiesty.  The subQ work marvelously.  Lastnight, she got on the coffee
[Posted in FML issue 3889]