::Up in the sky something is flying..  but what is it?  It's red, and
sounds like.... someone giving raspberries?::
Oh puppets, you love slaves of ferrets, I finally broke free of that
horrid closet at Wolfy's.  We're talking a fashion nightmare in there.
There was an array of everything from polyester stretch pants to blue and
green old sneaks!  Anywho (ya like that, I got that from Georgia Wood), I
have some Bush beans here, some depends and wipes for that not-so-fresh
feeling you get, some hairballs, some ferret buds... and I'm cruisin!
::Out of the sky falls a piece of something, it flips and floats down,
down, down... ::
What was that Puppets?!
::Doing her best Mr. Rogers impression she speaks on::
Let's go see.
::She waves for you to follow, then turns and dives in 4 g-forces to
follow the curious object::
Look, there it is on the ground!
::Ferret faces are pulled back from the force in all sorts of furry
Lets land this sucker and check it out!
::Fuzzies jump out and run up to what looks like a piece of Rainbow
What did you find fuzzies?  What are you dancing all over and playing on,
huh?  Look at this, oh how heavenly ... it must have fallen off of
Rainbow Bridge.  You should feel this puppets.  It's as soft as one of
Kat Parson's afghans ... and that's soft.  This is so pretty!  See what
I've been missing all locked up in that closet for so long, by gosh?
:: a fuzzie bops on over to whisper in the Oracles ear::
What?  The puppets can have something like this?  How?  OH a raffle.  I
missed a raffle?  No?  Its still going on for two more weeks?  Kat
Parsons is raffling a rainbow afghan for Troy Lynn?  Wow.  I met her ya
know ... err okay well, Wolfy met her.  Anyway, she is so nice and has
really helped me with some advice in the past.  I'm glad the money from
the raffle will be helping her and the bills from rescues and such.  But
I'm even more glad that somebody is gonna get this rainbow afghan!  How
neat is that?!
::ferrets roll over repeatedly out of excitement::
Well I better rock and roll.  Don't want that flaky Wolfy-woman to find
me, ya know?
::winking, and zooming off into the great beyond with her companions ...
then as she ascends to where she came, a grin creeps across your face as
she sky writes: http://blurryfurrys.com/raffle.html ::
The Great Ferret Oracle has spoken!
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3876]