Hi!  I am a new member to the FML and am looking forward to being a part
of this unique organization.  I am what you might call a "greenie"!  We
have only had out fuzzies for 2 months.  I did A LOT of research and
reading on ferrets for many months before I decided they were the pet for
me!  So finally, Father's Day weekend in June of 2002, my husband and I
recieved our first ferrets.  We have a 3 year-old dark-eyed white male
name Kabuto (Ka-boo-tow) and a 2 and a half year-old dark sable female
named Delphi (Del-fee).  You might say we "rescued" them.  The people we
got them from had way too many pets and the ferrets seemed to have gotten
lost in the shuffle of their daily lives.
Anyway, we are so happy to have them in our lives.  My hubby and I have
only been married since September of 2001 and have no kids yet, but
that's ok because our fuzzies are the best "kids" we could ever ask for!
I was recently diagnosed with Endometriosis and after several surgeries
and months of Lupron treatment, the chronic pain is still with me 24/7.
I had to quit my job and drop out of school ( I want to be a kindergarten
teacher) and face the fact that we may never be able to have kids of our
own if the Dr wants a hysterctomy.  So, that is why I was looking for a
pet, someone to cheer me up and boy did I get more than I ever bargained
for!!  They are a handful at times, but most of the time, they cheer me
up.  They make the pain more bearable and put everything in my crazy life
into perspective.  I can't imagine being without them.  I'm hooked!  What
is it about ferrets that make you a ferret person for the rest of your
Anyway, I'm sorry to have taken up so much of your time, but I have been
reading the FML for 2 weeks now and thought that it's about time I
introduce myself.  And I have a question.  I was cleaning out the fuzzies
ears after a bath last night when I found a lot of orangish wax in both
of their ears which is usually normal.  But in Delphi's ear, there was a
small, black piece.  It looked almost like dried blood, but it was black.
The rest of the ear was fine, just that small piece.  Should I just
monitor her and watch for earmites, or should I go to the vet?  I know
this may be a basic question, but the info I have read about earmites
says there is usually a black wax that oozes from the ear.  Could this
be black wax that has dried up, or just something normal?  Hope you can
help!  Thanks for your time!
And the toe lickers, Kabuto & Delphi
[Posted in FML issue 3876]