Hi Friends,
This morning Daddy's Baby Girl crashed hard!  She has Insulinoma &
We went outside as usual at 5:30 A.M.  She played and romped as usual.
We came in and I fed her Chicken Gravy, gave her her pred and then she
went to bed.  An hour and a half later she tried to come down the hall
but she was trying to vomit, couldn't walk, frothing and drooling.
I started her on Karo, and kept working with her but for the 1st time I
didn't get any results.  It scared me so badly.  Her glucose was running
79 at this time.
Then I found a toad in the house and it was mangled.  I don't know it was
from the dogs or the ferrets but then I thought maybe Baby Girl had been
All my vets were off for the day and I didn't know what to do!  I
remembered that Debi Christy had emailed me so very important numbers
several months ago.  I called her and 1st she calmed me down, gave me
advise, and was very nice.  Thank you Debi!!
I finally found a vet and took Daddy's Baby Girl in.  He gave her 30cc
sub q ringers with glucose in it.
He told me to let him know how she was doing in 2 hours.  Since she was
still just laying I retook her sugar levels and it was so high that it
wouldn't register.  I had been getting about 3 cc's chicken baby food
down her an hour and FINALLY she picked her head up and started eating
again.  Tonight she is able to walk again and she is giving kisses again
Anyway I got in touch with a ferret knowledgeable vet and she told me
that to do the ringers with glucose was dangerous.  I don't know why
except she was afraid of the sores the needles caused.
We talked a long time and I think that we maybe decided to try surgery.
Baby is 7 and as her name says, she's Daddy's Baby Girl.  He's really
afraid that she won't survive surgery but with her crashing so often I
feel that we have to.  It beats the alternative.
I have never not been able to handle an insulinomic episode like this
before.  It scared me to death.
I probably wouldn't have panicked so much if I hadn't found that toad.
My cool calm head was gone.  I kept telling the vet that we have already
lost 2 babies in the past 3 months she has to be alright.
If you can tell me what I should have done differently please email me.
I couldn't get her glucose level up no matter what I did.
She is currently on pred 2 x's a day but now we're going to devide it
into 3 times a day and it has been raised.
BTW/ Sweet Mary is starting to show signs of improvement.
Thank you for any info you can educate me with because now I feel pretty
Missing 8
Loving 16
[Posted in FML issue 3875]