Author wrote:
>We've heard a lot lately in the news media about the West Nile virus.
>I've been waiting to see if it got mentioned here.  Does anyone know if
>our ferts can contract it?  I assume that minimizing their contact with
>mosquitoes is the best protection.
Dear X, While ferrets can potentially contract it, no cases have been
reported as far as I can tell.  Ferrets likely do not come in contact
with Culex mosquitoes terribly commonly.  Birds appear to be the most
likely reservoir of infection, with humans and horses serving as dead-end
hosts.  This is classic or many of the other arboviruses like VEE and
WEE, and ferrets really play no part in the spread of those
encephalitides either.
Not something that should keep you up at night.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, DVM
[Posted in FML issue 3874]