Hours later, my husband emerges from our bedroom in the dawn's half-light
to discover that his work shoes have been tumbled upon their sides, and
the insoles have vanished.  Again.  Just as they have every day for the
past ten days.
I will spare you the bellows of primate rage that emanate from my
otherwise reasonable husband.  The howls, the curses.  The threats he
levels at the well-being and security of a certain weasel as he wrestles
the furniture aside to get at his insoles.
Dear Ferret Folks, this scene is played out in my home sometimes twice a
day.  Sometimes it ends with a weasel being bopped on the head with the
recovered pair of insoles.
Me, I vote for not leaving the work shoes on the floor anymore, but I am
over-ruled.  Loudly.  I suggest that Switch is too dim-witted to change
her behavior, so the change should be made at the top of the household
food-chain, not the bottom.  I am overruled even more loudly...
OMG Alexandra...you should be a writer.  We need more ferret stories!!!
Seriously, I use a mix of tea made with thyme in a spray bottle on areas
my ferret should not go.  I also use a bit of bitter lemon juuice in it
when I REALLY don't want her to go somewhere.
Thyme I use for many animals here on our farm as a deterrant, and also
for bugs that are annoying us here on the Eastern Coast of the U.S.  It
just seems to be a smell they don't like.
Warmly ~
The Conley Farm - organic herbs
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[Posted in FML issue 3874]