Greetings all -
Kevin and I, along with Fee and Milly Grace (the ferrets), will be
relocating to Boston at the end of the month.  The only bad thing about
the move is that we will be leaving one of the best vets in the entire
world - Dr. Paul Kim of Ridgefield Park Animal Hospital in Ridgefield
Park, New Jersey.  Dr. Kim and his dedicated and caring staff have
provided Fee and Milly with the absolute best care possible.
Does anyone have any personal recommendations for an outstanding vet in
the Boston area?  We'll be living in the city but are willing to travel
as far as necessary to get the best.  I have the Ferret Central list of
vets in the area but I'm really looking for a personal reference.  Fee is
almost 2 years post adrenal surgery, Milly has insulinoma and both are
"geriatric," so it is extremely important for us to find a vet with true
ferret experience.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Melissa Sullivan
[Posted in FML issue 3874]