I tried what people suggest and sit back for a moment and think about
what I am going to say.  But, I feel anything I say other than something
with sugar~n~cream is going to upset someone somewhere.
I have worked in a pet store.  I have had people leave and not come back
when they did not do what they were suppose to with pets.  I would make
them stay and do what they were suppose to.  I didn't work for a week and
came back there were 15 animals close to dying.  Then there was a blow up
with the assistant manager.  I had something done to him.  So, I left.
But, it wiped out all the employees and managment and now they have a
good staff.  But, they know I will come by 3 times a week.  So, they do
there jobs when it comes to the animals.
There are people who work for pet stores who don't even care about
animals.  They just want a paycheck.  They usually don't last long.  But,
they take up a lot of energy trying to make them do their job and if you
aren't at work when they are.  The animals could pay the price of not
being fed, given water, or clean bedding during that time.
This young lady evidently cares about animals.  There are a few and far
between times when you can actually get a honest pet loving person that
work in a store.  They tend to strive to make their store the best over
all.  A person who did not care about animals would not even have taken
the time to consider to write a post or find out what other people
thought.  Hold on, at this moment, I am rephrasing some things to be
polite.  She asked for our opinions, or what people thought about the
situation.  She even mentioned they were brainstorming things at work
about this.  Why not let her handle it?  Sorry, rephrasing again.  Most
likely, they put that e-mail on paper and inserted in her record for
keeps.  What are the chances she might have a label at work?
Petco has been listed in the Pet Supermarket employee newpaper that the
store gets once a month.  So, you know Petco is under some stress and
they should be.  But, let's think about keeping good pet store employees
in the store.  At least, we can feel comfortable that one store is
handling things properly.
Mini-Me loves Ya, Lisette.  She just has a funny way of showing ya.  That
moment you shared.  Remember it.  Give a smile everytime she looks at ya.
Even though she is going to give Waldo a run for his money later.  Just
remember she gave you a moment.  Hang in there.
Gotta run, a lady called wanting to get rid of a ferret.  She gave me one
of the repeated stories I have heard before.  NO, I did not say anything
to run her off.  Actually, I didn't say anything much just listened.
But, that I could not take another one in.  I was holding at 12.  But,
referred her to the Ferret Business of Georgia.  She said she would call
but didn't.  I know who her contacts were at a store.  Want to check to
make sure everything is okay.
[Posted in FML issue 3874]