I am officially giving up.
I moved.  Everything I own is currently in boxes and the unpacking is
going slow due to two bad knees.  Sigh.
So the ferrets who have had free roam of the house are caged and let out
only in one room.  I really don't want them climbing up on all the stuff
piled high or pulling something down on them.  I keep telling them it is
for their own safety and I am working as hard as I can.
They don't care.  Even Dem Fat Boys, William and Harry, are not giving Ma
any kisses.  And they are kissing fools.  Sigh.
Miss Sugar even gave her "Uncle" Kurt kisses on the chin (he was quite
amazed since she was a very bad biter when he rescued her and then
adopted her out to me).
OK I have gotten a couple of very very token kisses, you know what I
mean, those "one lick because you won't let me go" kisses.  They won't
play with me.
I only have little MaryJane loving on me, when she feels like it.  Of
course, she is happy as a clam since she doesn't like any of the others
and is out on her own right now.  She is blind and pretty lazy, so I
don't worry about her getting into things.  Seriously.  She doesn't.  She
has picked herself out a couple of places to sleep and that is it.  Well
she does get mad when I put the barrier up to the "ferret" room and she
can't get in.  She is such a little princess.
But to see 15 faces giving me dirty looks all the time.  It is almost to
much to bear.  Sigh.
Life is rough.
[Posted in FML issue 3872]