Amen, Roger.  Well put, and let me be the first to give you a Hell Yeah!!
While I think our controversy provides food for thought and there is
nothing wrong with disagreement (it is healthy; heck we have daily doses
of it here in my household and no one's the worse for it!), it is
frequent that various arguments on this forum don't seem to know when to
just breathe their last.  I've bitten my knuckles and forced myself NOT
to respond many times, reminding myself that no matter how hard you whack
that dead horse, there's just no life left in it...
The ferret community faces a lot of challenges and obstacles right now.
We are struggling with the ADV threat, frustrated and challenged by the
number of people who DON'T know what it is.  Even at my vet's office, a
tech asked me recently, "What IS this ADV thing we keep hearing about?"
I've showered them with literature and as much current info as I could
get my grubby little mitts on.  But it is a long journey we're on with
ADV education.  When your vet tech at a hospital that specializes in
exotics doesn't know what ADV is, what does that say about the notoriety
of the disease??  My feeling (and feel free to disagree) is that those
who know the facts and reality of the threat of ADV have a responsibility
to get this information OUT.
We also face the hoarding problem, a concern with ferrets because they
seem to be too easy for people to haord.  Those psychos who hoard 157
cats get reported and raided, as it's a bit hard to hide that many
meowsers (or the odor).  It seems like it's easier for these crazies to
hoard ferrets.  They're quiet, if you keep your doors and window locked
the smell can be contained (although I've often speculated that
Morrison's 2-br condo must have been a biohazard inside), and it also
seems like it's harder to get authorities to take action.
We face the dumping problem, and the fact that municipal shelters, with
some exceptions, do a substandard job of caring for ferrets, particularly
those in need of special care.  The only alternatives are the private
shelters and the miracle workers that run them and fund them.  But as we
see daily on the FML, these shelters are constantly in need of funds.
Their cities and towns give them nothing in return for keeping the
abandoned ferret populace off the streets and out of the dog pound.
We face the problem of misunderstanding that can have tragic results.
The people who don't pick up a stray ferret and let it run off and stay
lost or, worse, attack it or kill it.  The lack of public education that
is hindered by things like the horrific new Verizon ad.  Think the
average citizen is going to pick up a stray lost ferret and help it after
seeing that abomination??  It's so easy for our efforts to be sent back
to square one with just ONE piece of negative publicity.
So what do we do???  Do we despair and turn our attention to each other
and our disagreements and pick on each other?
We can...or the ferret community can bond on common issues and be a very,
very powerful voice that rights some of the wrongs that one or two people
can't change.  If Verizon gets four letters, they are not going to be
worried.  If they receive four thousand letters, they will realize they
made an enormo boo-boo.
I love ferret people.  We are some of the most passionate people when
it comes to our pets because they as a species need so much protection
from misunderstanding and ignorance, and just by virtue of loving these
critters, so many people are willing to give of their time and energy and
make a difference for ferrets.  So many people answer the call to help
these little guys.  So many ferret owners are there for eachother when
the tragedies and losses happen, because non-ferret owners can't
understand what it feels like to lose these fuzzy moppets.
Disagree.  Dissent.  Argue.  But do not spew, rage, and insult.  Those
could be the guidelines for a forum that expresses differences of opinion
but remains a community.
As we approach the one-year anniversary of 9/11, remember that when there
is no room for understanding, for accepting differences of opinion with
respect, when there is no tolerance, buildings fall down and people cry.
Hug and kiss each of your fuzzies today, right behind the ears where the
fur is the softest.  Look into their soft eyes and remember they are the
reason you are here, that you care this much, and take a page out of
their book.  The ferrets that wrestle and squeal and nip each other this
afternoon will be snuggled up tightly together tonight, breathing in
unison, sharing warmth and a comfy hammock in freindship, despite the
battles that may have raged over a squeaky toy or an extra treat...
-Heather W. in Massachusetts
 "I'm not a mediator, I just play one at work..."
[Posted in FML issue 3871]