If you are in Columbus, Ohio and are a rescue or shelter or in desperate
need of ferret foods, please read this post:
I am moving Tuesday morning and I would like to donate a lot of ferret
food (lots of kinds, including a ton of boxes of puppy biscuits), some
"ensure" (forget the actual brand I have), and various other things.
If you are interested and could possibly pick the stuff up (Kenny and
Henderson area) on sunday or monday, or the latest I guess could be
wednesday when my keys are due - though I'd have to leave it outside in
the sun.) - please email me at [log in to unmask]
I know it's been ages since I"ve written and there is so much to tell all
of you - and I will - just not tonight - packing like a maniac and there
seems no end in sight :).  I WILL come back and say Hi soon and let you
all know what's been up with me and where I'm going.  But for now, I need
to pass out :).
Michaela Maurice
[Posted in FML issue 3871]