I want to first of all update everyone who has been kind enough to e-mail
me with their prayers and best wishes for my Rusty.  I have answered many
of you personally but I know I had to have missed a few people.  Rusty is
gaining weight and doing fine.  We are getting him ready for surgery in
September at the earliest.  He is not eating his gravy as much as he was
in the beginning so I am going to have to keep a close eye on this.  He
needs his gravy and his kibble to gain the weight back he lost.  He is
also resisting me tooth and nail when it comes time for his Prednisone.
With him there simply is no way to give it other then by a syringe in his
mouth after prying his jaw apart.  I have tried it every creative way I
could and he will not take it: PERIOD.  He hates when I pick him up
because he knows 1 out of the 10 times I do he is going to get his meds.
Even when he gets a positive reinforcer like Ferretone afterwards he
still hates that stuff.  I make sure he eats before or after he gets it
because I am aware that it can cause tummy problems.  Poor guy.  Now he
is going to be getting Lupron shots as well.  He will never love his
mommy again as he associates me with pain and torture:-( Now for the
Maltese ferret pennies.
First of all I thank everyone that bought these unique pennies from me.
Believe me when I say that the funds went directly to Rusty for his meds
and is being put aside for his upcoming surgery.  Troy Lynn suggested I
bring him to Kansas and let her vet do the surgery and this is looking
like more of a possibility.  It just depends on many factors.  Either
way he is going to have to have the surgery.
Second of all I wish to say that the response to these coins has been
phenomenal and I was not prepared to be mailing out as many coins as I
did.  Some of you got/will get them very shortly as I just finished
mailing out the last of them yesterday, the 8th of August.  I quit taping
them as I was informed by a customer that it made a sticky mess.  I also
quit cleaning them with Brasso as I was informed that this takes away the
value and life of the coin.  So when some of you get 'dirty' coins do not
think I was mad at you.  I am just going to leave the cleaning decision
up to you.  Live and learn:-)   I hope everyone is satisfied with these
little treasures.  They did indeed come all the way from the island of
Malta and they came primarily from family members.
Thirdly (is thirdly a real word??) I have more coins left over to sell
if anyone is interested in acquiring a few extras.  Muna's Treasures is
handling an auction for me on eBay and I put up 25 coins to be auctioned.
They went lickity split so I am going to inform anyone that did not win
and still wants one to contact me directly.  Once again I thank you all
for your encouragement and support.  Give those ferrets a big hug and an
extra treat today.  They sure do deserve it.
[Posted in FML issue 3870]