Thank you all so much for your touching letters & cards.  I'm glad that
Tazzie meant so much to all of you too!  He was such a special little
guy.  I had posted that morning to tell how Tazzie kept his eye out so he
could bite the little interloper girl back that bit him on his butt.  He
was back on his wheels and doing great.  There was nothing to let me know
that that would be his last day.  He slowed down alittle each day tho.  I
am so glad that he went without all the pain and torture that lympho is
known to deal them.
Everyone got to kiss him and then I held him and sang to him for about an
hour.  When he took his last breath I was looking him in his eyes.  I saw
no pain and I saw no fear.  He just looked at me and took a last breath
and stopped.  That quick, that painless.
Sonny died on Memorial day and Tazzie passed on my nephews birthday.  My
nephew was 27 but had a brain tumor when he was 2.  His surgery was a
success but his brain then swelled and it ended up to where he stayed
like a 1 year old all his life.  He couldn't walk, had to wear diapers
etc and he passed last month.  I think that Tazzie picked Robby's B-Day
to pass on.  I think they are at the bridge together walking through the
grass and kicking up their heels together!!
Thinking like this sure helps some with the pain and so does knowing that
so many people also loved Tazzie.
Tazzie was my little Superman and the ferret diseases was his kryptonite.
They didn't beat him though, he went out well loved and ready to go!
All the other babies look for Tazzie.  He had his favorite places and
they always checked up on him and snuggled with him.  Some of them are
starting to get pretty bad and I think they just know that one of these
diseases are going to get them and they compare notes to find out what
they need to do to hold this junk at bay for as long as possible.  Tazzie
was 3 1/2 years old, he weighed 3 1/2 pounds and he is one that I had
since he was 6 weeks old.
The vets send us the unwanted, diseased etc and we've had most of them
for over 5 years.
My husband was disabled at work over 5 years ago and we were lucky enough
that years ago he had taken out insurance on his wages for if he ever got
hurt.  Thank God for that!  That is how I'm able to stay at home and why
he has to.  That is why I'll keep taking in the sick and unwanted.  I
figure that must have been Gods plan!
Well, I'm sleep deprived and I THINK I might be starting to ramble so I'm
simple going to say thank you all once again for loving Tazzie.  He is SO
I will start answering all of your cards and letters soon.  I just keep
re-reading them.  They mean so much to me.
Missing 8 pieces of my heart
holding on tightly to the remaining 16=20
[Posted in FML issue 3861]