Here's another quick update on my Bear, our little JL boy.
We still have no lab results.  If I had my way, heads would roll.  It's
almost a week since we submitted samples, and not even a thank-you-very-
much so far....
Bear is going downhill rapidly.  We finally put him on chemo Tuesday -
even though we still don't have a definite diagnosis.  It showed a
little sign of helping at first, but the disease seems to be fighting
back today.
It amazes me that the little guy still has a very healthy appetite and
even though he can barely walk, he still drags himself to the litter
box to relieve himself.  He refuses to soil his bedding.  He has even
gained a couple of ounces in the past few days.  His will to live is
incredible, but I'm afraid his poor little body is getting the better
of him.  We will do all we can to help him as long as he wants to fight.
Thank you all again for the support and the cards and the sympathy.  It
really means a lot to us.
roger and bear
[Posted in FML issue 3869]