Good Morning All,
Thoughts and Prayers are sent to all that have recently lost a Fuzzie or
Animal and to those Fuzzie's / Animals that are sick and homeless.
First I think that the Verizon Commercial is most definitly out of order
and deplorable!!!!!  I have e-mailed them along with others from the
Ferret Club I am in, in hopes that they will rethink this commercial.
The e-mail was very straight and to the point without making an ass out
of myself.  I think that if we all e-mail them and voice our responsible
opinions without getting nasty that they will listen to our concerns.  So
please before anyone e-mails them make sure you have your thoughts
together as flaming them will only make matters worse.  Verizon does not
know how big the Ferret Community is and all the fighting we do to try to
have them legalized in States where they are not legal and also fighting
to educate people about Ferrets.  So stop and think before you write them
and make sure you let them know just how loving Ferrets are.
Well another worry for me, my boy Trouble has been loosing tremendous
amounts of hair in patterns so I know as sure as I'm sitting here that he
is most definitly adrenal.  I believe that he is in the early stages but
will be taking him to the vet the last week in August.  He is still very
very active and nothing has slowed him down.  He is eating and drinking
as usual, and has not had any problems urinating.  Trouble is a little
over 3.5 years old and is healthy and very strong so I believe he will
make a good candidate for surgery.  Of course I'm not a vet and this is
just an assesment on my part.  I will keep you all updated on his
progress.  All my other Babie's are doing well otherwise.
And to all of you that have read the story about my Friend / Sister Susy.
She will be going into surgery on Monday August 12th at 8:00 am to have
the tumor removed from her colon.  She also has cancer of the liver but
still needs to have this operation in order to survive as long as she
can.  So I would APPRECIATE it and so would my Friend if you say an extra
prayer for her on Monday.  Susy is terminal as she has tumors throughout
her whole liver and not just a portion of it.  I have talked to her and
she will be fighting to survive with all her might and refuses to give
up!!!!  Yesterday was her Birthday and she turned 54 it was a very bitter
sweet Birthday for her but I cheered her up by throwing her a Birthday
Bash.  Also she Thanks each and everyone of you that has sent cards,
Thoughts and Prayers her way.  It cheered her up alot knowing that people
that don't even know her cared enough to do so :-)
Lots of Love to All,
Dawn and the Terrible Two's Gang, Trouble, Rosy, and Fat Boy Joey and the
new Fuzzbutt Dru :-) Still Missing my Tazy Terribly !!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3869]