I've always figured that when we can have a place other than a small
condo it would be wonderful to have: an enclosed garden that is
ferret-safe and has a pile of stinky safe herbs for them to play with,
some furniture that is built with accessible ferret tunnels and
passageways right in their designs, some furniture hung on chains from
hefty beams so that we can rock and never endanger a ferret while doing
so, and even have enclosed ramps for them to go from one ferret safe
level to another.  One of these years -- maybe in 20 years when we get
to invent our own retirement home as per our long-term dreams.  Hey,
anticipation is a GOOD thing.  It makes pleasure last all the longer --
through thinking about things and refining them.
Noises in that horrid commercial which has the vicious portrayal of a
ferret: I'd have to hear it again to try to place it.  Can't recall if it
was more some sort of juvie scuirenus or one of the caviomorphs, or what,
but it clicked as a rodent noise I know but didn't place.  You know how
that is -- like when what is supposed to be a Central American jungle is
shown in a movie and the plant types and geology fit so it really is but
then they put on tape of gibbon noises to make it seem more "jungle-like"
and your eyes say NW while your ears say "Asia"...
The contact info for complaining to Verizon Wireless is:
Roger Tang, President, Verizon Wireless, 200 Allegheny Dr., Warrendale,
PA 15086.  Of course, the problem is the viciousness portrayal, not the
noises.  Verizon Wireless might never hear about letter to wired Verizon.
They are different divisions, but not separate companies under that name
(Varies from company to company.) so the other addy might also work or
the direct approach may be needed.  I wonder if they share a VP for PR
and advertising for both?  There are maybe 7 million companion ferrets in
the U.S.  and it would be so good for the Verizon Wireless president to
get enough mail from irate ferret people that he feels that every one of
them has written.  It's best to be polite.  I suggested instead showing a
ferret doing a trick after hearing instructions over the phone to do the
trick.  Our Sherman will do "Lie down, roll over" with a command over the
phone.  Bet there are plently of others whose ferrets do tricks over the
phone, too!
Benita, go to http://www.miamiferret.org/fhc and look up megaesophagus.
Does that fit?
Kara, have the vet be sure to have Florinef and Prednisone for you to
replace adrenal hormones in case it has to be a full double
adrenalectomy.  Deaths due to not having these meds handy to replace
missing adrenal products are almost always avoidable.  Those med FAQ
are rather old and the numbers are better now.  Here are some sources to
help you with more current info and links:
http://geocities.com/sukieslist  (which I need to update, but the vet
pages will help you, esp the ones by Charles Weiss)
[Posted in FML issue 3869]