Condolences to those with lost, sick, or angeled throw rug thieves...
(Throw rug?  Was'at?  Whu' it look like?  Whut make ya think *I* took it?)
I have been watching the lives to two young ferrets at a local pet shop
where I get my snacks and suppliments for my ferts at.  They started out
as excessively cute little kits about 8 weeks old.  In fact, I have
already written about how sweet and playful they were and how they didn't
seem to mind being held.
Well, that was about 5 months ago.  They are still there.  They full
grown (*my* how they are full grown!).  One is a milk-chocolate sable
with white toes (male) and the other is an albino (female).  They've only
had their initial distemper shot (given at the breeder - Marshall Farms).
They don't seem to be any the worse for wear, but they lack toys and
stimulation.  The girl is just as huge as the boy (at least, she *looks*
like a girl, but maybe my vision is going?  She won't let me see her FLO
license, so I can't be certain.), they are still sweet and want a home
really bad!
There are two things that will happen in their immediate future that will
be in their favor.  As you know, I'm lousy at taking pictures, so I'm
going to get the manager to take their picture on/about this Friday.
Also, come Sunday (August 4), they will be reduced in price (for one week
only!) from $139.99 to $99.  The sale will last from Sunday through the
following Saturday.
If anyone would like to get one (or both???  Please?  With a furry on
top? :)), I would be willing to handle the details - possibly even
providing some transportation to nearby areas?
These two really are sweethearts.  I go there and hold and pet them as
often as I can.  They need a home and are willing to take any home that's
Todd and the Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 3861]