Condolences to those with lost, sick, or angeled Cheerios "rescuers"...
(Quick!  That one is sinking...tip the bowl over and save it!)
Brandi mumbled something about:
>I read and read about ferrets and their behaviors, and in EVERY book
>and website i have seen it says that ferrets make a "dook dook" type
>of noise when really happy and excited.
Web sites lie.  Really.  So do books.  My ferrets told me so.  Actually,
many ferrets don't ever make a sound.  They are perfectly happy with
things the way they are and have chosen not to be noisy about life.  The
"dook dook" noise is also just a generalized approximation.  I call the
noises my ferrets make "Squirbling", because that seems to be closer to
the sounds they actually make.
Actually, there's also a debate on whether or not the "dook dook" sound
is even accurate.  The group that sang the song "Dook of Earl" claims it
is, but there is another group that claims the sound was really just an
extention of what people thought the ferrets meant when they would
play-fight ("Come on, put up your dooks!") with each other.  However,
there is more proof that the Dook of Canterbury, in England, who was once
thought to have said that he liked ferrets, thought that ferrets were all
probably just referring to him and were just using his official title.
Of course, the last two paragraphs are pure fiction and have nothing to
do with anything, anywhere.  Just pretend you didn't read them.  Better
yet, just wait a minute or two and your ferrets will steal them and you
won't have to bother with them any further.  On to the discussion at
I have nine ferrets.  Of that number, at least two of them make no sounds
(other than the occasional sneeze, or a squeal if being chased, etc.).
Ghost (my most-recent rescue) is a noisy little critter, making a sound
with almost every movement.  Fuzzer makes noises when he is having fun.
Hershey barks if you surprise him when he is doing something bad.  Taz
makes weird little noises if you pick him up.  The kids (Bump, Rhun and
Chewy) make so much noise when chasing each other, that I have to turn up
the television!
However, Add-A-Kiss and Stuffy are absolutely silent, unless being chased
or if someone is wrestling with them and they are losing...then they only
give out a squeal so I will come rescue them (again!).
Add-A-Kiss likes sticking her tongue in my ear, so she can even make *me*
make noises (like "Stop That!" and "Get Out Of Here!" and "EEEeeewww!!!
Go wash that tongue right now, little lady!").  Of course, they can *all*
make the cat emit uncommon noises!  :)
Todd and the (We ain't noisy...we're just vocal!) Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 3868]