To those ferts with adrenal problems:
Just a note in passing....
My heart goes out to those little ferts that have developed adrenal
problems.  And to their humankin!
Our seven year old female sable, Layla, about six months ago began to
lose her fur on the tail, the base of her tail and surround area, and a
bit on her shoulders.  There was little question that the adrenals were
the cause.
At her age an operation was not advisable so she was put on Lupron.
Within three weeks the fur was showing signs of returning.  Now, two plus
months later, she's fully covered with new fur and it's slowly returning
on the tail, working its way up from its base.  She looks great!!  She
had her third shot yesterday.  And her fur is very silky, so silky she
almost slides out of your hands!  Of course, our treat of Ferretone helps
in that respect.
So, although the basic problem, the adrenals, have most likely not been
solved completely, there is hope that it will be held in check.  Layla
has shown no side effects and is as active as ever, even at her senior
ferret stage.
My thanks go to Dr. Dahlhausen of Cincinnati for trying the Lupron.
Although it might not work in all cases, it certainly appears to have
done so for Layla.  I'll periodically keep you informed of her progress.
A. Wiebe
[Posted in FML issue 3868]