**This post is a little OT, but I thought it funny enough to share with
the group**
Dear Sabrina the bat-biter,
I am writing to inquire whether you make house calls?  Last night our
house was invaded by a bat, which proceeded to scare the living daylights
out of me when I woke up at 3 am to go pee.  Being a country girl, I
thought it'd be no problem to just throw a blanket over the poor little
guy and release him outside, but by the time I find the blanket, the bat
is gone, so I go back to bed.
At 5:30 am, hubby shakes me awake and stage-whispers "I found him!"
Found who?  I ask.  "The Bat!  He attacked me!"  Now, I know bats don't
attack people, but hubby is standing there fully clothed with his
bathrobe clutched to his chest and holding mine out to me.  I yawn and
get out of bed and grab the bat-catching blanket.  I boldy stride into
the hallyway looking for the wayward bat while hubby cowers in the
doorway of the room.  I remind him that the bat will be flying around
soon and if he doesn't close the door, he will be in our bedroom.  He
jumps and closes the door quickly.  The poor hungry bat is hanging from
one of our hall windows behind the curtains, I can't reach him there, so
I shoo him into the open.  He flits around for a while and lands on the
smoke detector.  Ah Hah!  I've got you now, bat boy...
The bat escapes my blanket and flies straight at hubby, who screams like
a girl and holds the bathrobe up for protection.  The bat veers to avoid
the bathrobe which is now blocking half the hallway and lands on the
floor.  I throw the blanket over him, and he begins to chitter.  I pick
him up inside the blanket and ask hubby if he'd like to see the bat.
"Get him away, get him away!" he pleads.
I take him downstairs and let him loose outside to catch up on catching
mosquitos.  Poor guy must be hungry.  I pat hubby on the head and go back
to bed.
Natalie  and the furry snakes
~~~~~Douglas Adams:
"I love deadlines.  I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
"Do not meddle in the affairs Dragons, for thou art CRUNCHY and taste
 good with KETCHUP!"
[Posted in FML issue 3868]