I went and picked up my little newbie last night.  Her name is Tootsie
and they estimate that she is about 8-9 months old.  She is small.  She
was completely covered in fleas.  The said she had a few (I think they
meant to say there were a few spots on her that didn't have fleas).
She is a tooth-bearing-little-viper!  Evil to the core.  She kept biting
them viciously so they kept her locked in her cage, torn newspaper for
bedding, and fed her by dumping the food into the bowl (hopefully).
After an exhausting 20 minute fight in the bathtub to rid her of fleas
(I got at least 98% of them), she is about as stressed as I am (probably
more being that it was her first bath ever).  Her skin is raw and pink
looking and there are some scabs.  It's really hard to get a good look at
her when she's trying to get a blood donation from you.  Her nails will
be next as they've never been clipped.
I've had nippers before that calmed down and became the most sweet
ferrets ever.  I've never had one so intent on killing their owner
before!  If anyone has suggestions on this -- I welcome them!  I want
to do right by her and give her a chance (especially being so young),
but without experience on my side, don't want to do more harm than good.
I see a lot of jeans, hi-top sneekers and gloves to get through this.
Thank GOD I just got the A/C fixed and it's cool enough in the apartment
to get through this.
 --Lynn (Jake, Fibi, Smudge, Meesa & Tootsie (aka Elvira)
[Posted in FML issue 3861]