I have also wondered whether the overwhelmingly abundant health problems
in ferrets might be caused by a universal mistake in their care...but
when you look at the surveys/polls/opinions...there isn't a universal
mistake.  There is no common link between all the ferrets that get
Adrenal & other problems.  People are still looking for one they missed,
though, such as unnatural light cycles, and testing the possiblity.  Just
a day or two ago, someone posted about how they did cover their ferrets
at night, but still had a 50% or so Adrenal rate.  There are Adrenal
ferrets who are a year old or less.  If it were caused by
vaccinations--how could so few cause such huge problems?
Personally, I think they are genetically prone to it.  I don't even
suspect MF and the big breeders so much as just domestication as a whole.
I think it was probably around in small numbers in polecats because it
still allowed time to reproduce before showing affects.  Now it doesn't
have a chance to be 'naturally selected' out of the population.
[Posted in FML issue 3867]