Hello Everyone,
I had a real scare last night.  I have had my fuzzies about a year now
and my little girl scared me.  We were outside in the evening as usual
when all of the sudden she started trying to throw up.  I watch them
very close when we are outside and she had not gotten into anything.  I
took them inside and she was running around trying to throw up and was
gagging.  It really scared me.  I took her to the emergency clinic but as
soon as I put her in the carrier she just layed there.  When we got to
the clinic she acted fine except tired.  The vet looked at her and said
all her vitals were normal.  He gave her a shot to settle her stomach and
said to watch her very close to make sure she didnt have any blockage,
which I will do.  As soon as we got home she ate and drank and went to
sleep.  Has anyone experienced this, was it something to worry about or
probably just an upset stomach?
Thanks for your help.
Cindy, Slick and Sammy
[Posted in FML issue 3867]