>>Nah, we don't want to shoot her.  That's too easy.  It would be better
>>to lock her in a tiny cage and deprive her of human contact, exercise,
>>food, and medical attention.  Is that sinking to her level?  I don't
>>think so -seems to me like it's just her getting back some of what she
>>dishes out...."
>I have to agree with this one, it would be not only to easy but to good.
>Randy, being an ex-fishing boat captain, suggested to me the other day,
>that maybe a one way fishing trip is in order for her.
I read this and immediately was struck by a vision of a band of ferrety
pirates..... "Harrrrr!  Walk the plank, ye blasted subhuman!!"
Elena and Cap'n Twiglet, First Mate Pixie, Bosun's Mate Macker and Cabin
Girl Casper
[Posted in FML issue 3865]