Wednesday is clearly one of the saddest days of my precious
Gizmo passed away too young.  He went for a biopsy surgery Tuesday and
when I went to the vet (2 1/2 hours away, so I stayed overnight in the
same town)  The Doctor came out and motioned me to come into the room.  I
knew immediately and cried out" no, no, not my Gizmo"  My heart is truly
shredded to pieces and bleeding for my little furball.  His necropsy
revealed his lung had collapsed during the night and they came in to find
him dead in the morning.  How can I live with joy without my Gizmo?  I
begged them to let me take him with me after he recovered from surgery,
even said I would keep him at the motel with me and bring him back in the
morning for them to check him, but they said not a good my
most precious baby died along during the night, scared and without me...
oh this is too much to bear...I let him down!  Gizmo did not deserve
this...he was my best ferret...never started a fight ...always was gentle
to all the newcomers that I rescued....Baby I will always love and miss
you and never will you be forgotten.  I hope and pray that my pain
subsides one day.
It was a long car ride home 2 1/2 hours bringing my baby back home....but
not the way I thought I would be.  Instead of helping him to recover I
now will have to put him to rest.  I know he is gone out of his body, but
I can't seem to let go of it, like it is the last thing I have that is
him.  I have never cried so much in my life and it was the longest ride
home I have ever endured.
Sandee....please take care of Gizmo at the bridge....he was the most
beautiful little blaze boy I have ever seen, with a big pink nose and
beautiful ruby eyes...such a gentle boy, gone too young at only 3 years.
I had never before experienced so much joy filling my heart just to look
at this boy...he was truly my one joyous gift in this life...there will
never be another like him.....I will always love you Gizmo.
Broken hearted with much grief,
your mom.....Lynn Barker
Bandit and Mitzi miss you too.
[Posted in FML issue 3890]