Hi everyone.  My vet called this morning to tell me Bart's bloodwork was
back.  His values are consistent with adrenal disease.  I have scheduled
his surgery for next Thursday.  I talked with the doctor's technician and
she told me that he has been doing ferret surgeries for 16 years.  My
youngest son, who is 12, cried when I told him Bart had to have surgery.
He asked me if Bart was going to die.  I told him I hope not, but there
is always some risk with surgery.
We bought Bart for my oldest son's 12th birthday, and ironically Bart
will be having surgery the day after my son's 14th birthday.  Tyler loves
his Bart, and Bart loves his boy very much.  They have a very special
bond.  Tyler lays Bart in his forearms with his thumbs under Bart's arms,
then he will massage be- hind his ears.  Bart just melts when he does
this .  Before Tyler puts him down he kisses him on the lips, and Bart
in return gives lots of kisses back.  When Tyler goes out the door, Bart
will look up at the handle and then lay down and wait for him to come
back.  Next Thursday, it will be Tyler watching Bart go out the door and
waiting for him to come back.
Charissa and the gang Bart, Boomer, Tinker, and Frankie
[Posted in FML issue 3890]