My poor Petey had a tough day.  He was degraded by his cage mate.  One of
the ferrets in the cage with Petey is my Phoenix.  She is my oldest and
there is no sweeter ferret alive.  She is my mother earth.  But she is 8
1/2, Adrenal, insulinoma, blind, bald.  you name it.  All of a sudden she
has stopped using the litter box.  I think she is confused.  She has been
doing lots of weird things lately.
Monday night my puter crashed.  My puter guy came and got my puter.
(What a sweetheart.)  Tuesday night he brought my puter back.  My ferrets
are in the puter room with me.  So we got talking about the ferrets.  As
he stands up to leave he says, "Don't you ever get ferrets that aren't
old and sick?"  I said "yeah, Petey isn't old or sick, he is a young
hubba hubba".  He says.  "ya mean that one with poop all over him?"  I
looked down, and sure enough.  He is on the bottom shelf of the cage,
sound asleep, on his back, with his belly in the air.  There is a perfect
pile of poop laying right in the middle of his tummy and he is soaking
wet.  Phoenix is on the next tier up and has pooped and peed right on top
of momma's baby boy.  Oh the indignity of it all.  That will teach him to
rip up the flooring.  He never woke up and he was soaked.  Ferrets, they
are sumpin else.
Robin, Doodlebug, Bandie the bald, Rosie the terror, Phoenix the
confused, and Petey the pooped on!
[Posted in FML issue 3890]