I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone for their
help and support during Spirit's illness and his crossing the rainbow
bridge.  While Spirit is no longer with me in the physical sense, he is
with me in the "spiritual" sense as he is with all of you.  While I am
still fighting various demons in all of this there is one fight that I
am not willing to give up on... That is the fight against Jen Morrison
and the cruelty she inflicted on my poor baby.  She took him away from me
far too soon and that I will not forget.  Jen, if you are reading this...
You can run but you can not hide... there are people who love ferrets and
all they stand for and we will not rest until you are stopped!
In the precious name of my baby Spirit...
Hugs and dooks to you all,
[Posted in FML issue 3863]