I've posted about the new rescue that we got in July.  She's the one that
bit Tazzie on his butt and he then stalked her as best he could with his
wheels making so much noise lol.  We named her Skittles because after
everyone found out how savagely she bit when she came near they just
seemed to skittle.  She has calmed down alot but it still hurts alot
just now blood and gnawed skin.
My daughter came over at midnight last night because I had an emergency
with one of the pups.  She came through the door and kicked off her
shoes.  I told her that Skittles was up and about but she was all, SO,
I'm not scared of her etc..
We were intently working on the puppy and didn't see Skittles.  I swear
she no more than did a lick and my daughter took off with Skittles
chasing behind.  There was a wet spot on the floor and we have slick
floors anyway so that Tazzie could get his wheels going.
Anyway, there was a wet spot on the slick floor, a maniac ferret chasing
a 20 year old girl who stepped in the pee, did the arm waving trying to
keep my balance juggle.  Skittles stopped and just watched this and in
the meantime, Laura ended up falling on her butt and sliding halfway
across the floor.  As soon as she stopped rolling she jumped to her feet
and looked down and Skittles was there just waiting for round 2.  I
picked Skittles up and gave her a treat and she went on.  I can't
remember when my husband and I laughed so hard.  Laura was laughing to.
She wasn't hurt and what really made it so funny is that I had just told
everyone about me going to the chiropractor because I'd fallen down and
hurt myself because you have to watch how you fall so you don't hurt a
ferret even at the expense of hurting yourself more.  I didn't have any
ferrets around me when I fell but you have to look the whole way down
and you get in some pretty weird positions.  My doc.  thought I was nuts.
He said better a smushed ferret than broken bones but I KNOW that's not
Anyway it was hilarious!
Missing 8
Hugging 16
[Posted in FML issue 3889]