"Hey Tori, C'mon, Da Mama wants to take us somewhere."
"I don't wanna go anywhere, I'm too tired and it's too hard to breathe.
Crud, she's pickin me up, I guess I'm goin anyway."
After a little while they arrive at thier destination.
"Tori, I know this place, it's Dr. Sam's hidey hole, this is where we get
oucheys, but Mommie says the oucheys make us better.
After being led into a room, Princess is taken to the back for a glucose
"Yeah, I was right Tori, I got a ouchey in my arm.  You gettin a ouchie
in yer butt???"
Yeah, Dr. Sam says it will make me really sleepy and I think it's workin
cuz I'm gettin sleepy already.  But Mama's holding me so I'm not scared.
Except why is she making so many tear things?  She only does that when
she's really sad."
Princess watches as Dr. Sam prepares Tori's arm.
"Tori, what's that ouchey your getting now??  Tori??  Tori, Tori!!!  Mom,
Tori don't answer me.  Why are you making so many tear things?
"Princess, hey Princess, can't you hear me?  I'm here, up here.  This is
so cool.  Da Mama was right, sometimes those ouchey things DO make ya
feel better.  WOW, this is so cool!!  My fur!  My fur, It's beautifully
white and fluffy!!  I feel like a kit again!!!  And oooh, it is so much
easier to breathe!!!  But why is mommie making so many tear things?
From behind Tori comes a very familiar voice, it is Tori's sister,
Samantha who left for the Bridge long ago.
"Samantha!!!!!!!  It's so good to see you!!!  But why are you here??"
"I am here to help you find your way to the Bridge"
"Oh, now things make sense.  Was that ouchey my go to the Bridge ouchey?
It didn't hurt at all, just made me sleepy.  Did Mommie not want me with
her anymore?"
"Oh no, no, no,Tori, just the opposite.  Mommie wanted you with her
forever, but you were very, very sick and you were not going to get
better.  Mommie loves you very much.  She took care of you and gave you
your medicine every day for a long, long time.  You even got all the duck
soup you ever wanted.  But when Mom saw that it was so hard for you to
breathe,and you were suffering so, she knew that she had to take you to
Dr. Sam so they could help you to the Bridge.  She didn't want you to
suffer any more.  Mama will always be here because a piece of her heart
went with you when you left.A piece of her heart is with all of us.
Someday, she'll be here, but until then you can look down and see her."
"I'm looking down now and she has so many tear things on her face, maybe
I should go back and lick them off."
"Wait, I can hear her, she's saying Goodbye my precious Tor -Tor.(that's
what she called me alot ya know.)
"No Tori, you can't go back.  This is your home now.  After a while
Mommie will stop making so many tear things everyday.  But she will
never, ever forget you or stop loving you."
"So let's go, Tori.  Your brothers, Smokey, Bandit and little tiny Lucky,
and your sister Boots are eagerly waiting for you.  We all have so much
to show you.  And ya gotta meet Sandee!!  Sandee will let Mommie know how
you're doin."
As they turned to go, Tori stopped.  With a sigh, Tori looked down, and
in a voice so sweet, so soft, almost inaudible she said, "Goodbye Mommie"
As a tiny ferret tear rolled down Tori's nose, she turned to start her
new life at the Bridge.
        V I C T O R I A  'T O R I '  P Y R O N
                    1 9 9 6 - 2 0 0 2
[Posted in FML issue 3886]