My ferret went into have adrenal surgery with a good , experienced ferret
vet and had a bad reaction to the gas given him.  He started coughing,
coughing up blood and generally having a hard time of it.  So the vet
brought him out of it and canceled the surgery.  He started him on
Lupron.  My ferret is a male 1 year and 10 months old.  I would really
feel better if there was a way to operate and remove the tumors as
opposed to going the Lupron way.  My vet is going to look into trying
the surgery again using an injectible to put him under.
Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on this?
I want my ferret to live a long and adrenal free life.  Now, I'm scared
of surgery b/c I don't want to lose him to the surgery.  At the same time
Lupron really isn't curing the adrenal and he is such a young ferret.
Any information, thoughts etc would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance,
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[Posted in FML issue 3863]