Hey Folks.
Got to get up to date with all the FML.  My most deeply felt condolences
to all the parents of all Angled Fur babies out there.  We have lost two
fur babies in the last two months.  Jacob is still with us but the mass
in his mouth is still growing.  We are trying everything possible.
Please keep him in your prayers and thoughts.  We lost Morgan to this
crud about two months ago.  Before that we lost Gunner to it as well.
Dunno if we have a "cell" here or just what is is.  The vet thinks it is
a fast growing soft tissue cancer.  I hate cancer.  We lost Slinky about
two weeks ago due to age (she was 10) and a probable heart attack.  I
came home and found her in her sleeping sack were she had passed.  A
side note to all shelter folks, I am, like you, over whelmed at times
with the death and dying side of running a shelter, but if we don't do
it who will?  I didn't start out to run a shelter but here it is over
three years later and I just took in another three about three months
ago...so!!!  My hat is off to all of you that runs shelters.  Been here
and still doing that!!  God Bless our shelter parents!!!
On a more positive note...I have seen the Verizon commerical...and I
laughed my head off!!!  Folks, look at it...The guy is sitting on a couch
teasing this Budwieser Ferret lookalike.  OK?  With me so far?  OK so the
guy sticks his tongue out at the fret.  The frets "nails" him right on
the tongue.  The fool gets what he deserved Right???  Right???  Right!!!
LOL.  Hey folks, I'd go to any lengths for a ferret.  Even my co-workers
who know me and think I am nuts know how far I'd go to help a fret.  This
commerical, I think is so funny that folks who see it will root for the
ferret!!!  I did!!  LOL.
As to the Maximum Cat/kitten food at Walmart, I know shelter folks who
have been using it for about a year now.  Yes it is that good!!  I use it
and ProPlan Kitten kibble for the base of my soup that I feed the sick
and ill frets here.
OBTW we have a real live Ferret club here in Reno now!!  We have the
Northern Nevada Ferret Network up and running with a real board of
directors and officers.  Yeppers, we are on the move.  We are in the
process of getting up a mission plan and our 501C (I think that is right)
tax exempt status papers in order.  WE are getting serious here about dem
fret thingies...LOL!!  No I am not on the board right now but I am having
health issues right now.  Still broke out with that iching crud BUT IT IS
NOT THE BABIES!!!  (even if it is....It Ain't!!!) After All It IS For The
Best Regards
Fred Hurd
[Posted in FML issue 3882]