Dooks people's!  I have a slight dilema I am seeking assistance on.  My
3 little bundles of buncing fur - have decided that when they get let
out to play, that the cat food left out for the cats, is fair game.  Now
the cat's don't mind it so much when the lil' gal uses their litter box,
however they are preplexed why these little "creatures" who have invaded
their home, now believe that catfood is gourmet food.  Our newest
addition - terrorizes the cats out of the room and then the other two -
dash for their dish and chow down til their hearts content.  My question
is this: Can the "cheaper' brand of cat food harm the little food
thieves?  They always have their own dishes full, with fresh food - so it
isn't about not having enough to eat.  I have tried switching the brands
of fuzzle food, but it doesn't make a difference.  Could it be that they
enjoy the look of terror on the feline faces as they are let out to play?
I have even tried moving the dishes up higher - so that the cats could
get to it, but not the ferts.  However, this was short lived - as Artimus
quickly showed the other two how to "leap" onto surfaces in a single
bound!  Any ideas out there?
Kimberly Gorman  And her Bouncing Trio!
[Posted in FML issue 3882]