My wife and I share this house with two ferrets a dog and up until
recently four cats.  The ferrets have never been allowed free access to
the house while the cats and dog are around.  Having read about cats and
ferrets being compatible, we have toyed with letting them meet.  Whenever
we would bring the most amiable cat into the midst of the ferrets, they
(the ferrets) would make a beeline to nearest cat-part and hang on!  The
cat would go running with this ferbie attachment waving in the breeze.
We recently rescued two kittens from a bad situation and would like to
allow them and the ferrets to meet one another.  Is there any hope for
the older cats, or should we restrict our attempts to the kittens?
Please help if you have experience in this type of situation.
You can email me at [log in to unmask]
"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His
justice will not sleep forever."
- Thomas  Jefferson
"God's away on business."
- Tom Waits
[Posted in FML issue 3862]