Hello FML,
Friday night my little boy, Tango, had to be helped to the Rainbow Bridge
while he was under anesthesia.  They were going to put a catheter in him
to help with his prostate problem and undergo adrenal surgery right away.
Unfortunately, while he was in surgery, there were more complications
than expected and he had to be helped over the bridge while he was
I'm so sorry little bug.  You were my first and I wish I could have
given you a big hug instead of quick kiss before they wisked you off
to surgery.  I love you and can't stop crying because I miss your wet
nose against my leg and keep looking for you to come around the corner
begging for raisins.  I am so glad I got to bring you home so your
brothers and sisters could say goodbye to you.  RooBear is devastated and
so depressed, she misses her "Tango Bug" so much.  I've never seen her
give you so many kisses and Chico also keeps looking for his big brother.
I love you Tango, please wait for me at the Bridge, I can't wait to see
you again.
Tracy J.
Chico, Roo(RooBear), Spunky, Leah and missing Tango and Pepe' so much!
[Posted in FML issue 3880]