Hey all..
I got back from a week's vacation on tuesday to find my baby calypso
feeling a little sick.  I thought maybe she'd eaten something bad, so i
figured i'd let it sit.  Through the week, she got better, but over the
weekend, she got worse.  It was the weekend of the 15th of august, and in
Paris, France, it's the super vacation of the year- meaning everything is
closed...even vet offices.  I didnnt have the money to call the emergency
vet service (they charge twice or three times the price) so I tried to
take care of her as best I could until monday (today).  I took her to the
vet this morning.  Her stools were runny and had a hint of blood in them.
She'd been lethargic and quite aggressive all week.  He did some tests
and decided she had an intestinal infection.  She also had a high fever.
He gave her three shots, and one to rehydrate her.  I'm supposed to
not let her eat for 24 hours, and start reintroducing her food to her
tomorrow morning.  She's allowed water, thats about it.  Tomorrow, I also
start her on two types of meds, twice a day.  The vet said that if it
doesnt clear up in two days, chances are that it seeped into the blood
stream, and then it becomes dangerous.  he didnt say what measure would
be taken if it came to that, but he did say to prepare myself for an
eventual long and painful journey to recovery, if recovery at all.
So I just wanted your thoughts on this, and your prayers for my little
albino baby girl of three months.
Take care all,
Nathania, Calypso and Butch
[Posted in FML issue 3880]