I DO understand why some sites can't be kept as up to date as possible.
After all, I have the same problem myself with sukieslist that a friend
set up to me.  I always admire people like Pam Sessoms who manage to
maintain things in a more up to date fashion than most of us can.
I also DO understand that folks who have never helped fight anti-ferret
legislation have no idea how much time and money such efforts eat.  If
you want an idea, then imagine how much they use then take it up a power.
When you include the work and expenses of all who get involved that
figure may work for some, though others will take more.  I can see why
such individuals don't understand why the many FML members who have
created or helped with such efforts have no concept why so many of us get
worried by things like the Verizon ad.  They probably don't know that
beyond the two states which continue to outlaw ferrets after the CDC work
and changes to the "Compendium for Animal Rabies Control" that several
major cities and some other municipalities also do.  They likely don't
know that many each spent thousands of dollars and hours getting the
needed research and follow-up to change rabies laws for ferrets to the
same as those for dogs and cats and then to seek compliance as well as
possible in the states.  Those area which remain unchanged are mostly
still being worked on by very caring and wonderful folks, and every
single year there are localities where some nutcase tries to have ferrets
outlawed.  Those efforts have consistently been based on the people
figuring that "everyone knows that ferrets are vicious", and they usually
result in an excellent local ferret-hero needing help from many and
working on the ferrets' behalf.  Sometimes such situations even cause
legal cases to arise and that means searches for pro-bono lawyers and
then providing leg work, evidence, finding expert witnesses, etc.  If you
don't understand what I am talking about then at least try to imagine
what it is like, and know that as long as people mistakenly think that
ferrets are vicious that you might one day, too, find yourself working to
fight such a difficulty.  The work is always worthwhile, but when it is
so avoidable that is very frustrating.
[Posted in FML issue 3879]