Hello.  I would sure appreciate prayers and good thoughts that sweet Lucy
Lou Laboda is finding her way to the beautiful field at the Rainbow
Bridge and is being reunited with her beloved buddies Tarzan and Petey,
friends Gadzook, Wally, Schroeder Boat, and Percy, acquaintence Squeek
(and his siblings Erb and the two un- named kits), and also Claudette,
whose heart Lucy tried for many years to win.  Oh, and big sweethearted
old cat Wellington.
Lucy's red fur glistened like golden diamonds afloat in a warm, soft
ocean during a flaming sunset.  Her sqeek was high and gentle, fur soft
as a bunny's, spirit light as down, and her personality was rolled in a
sweet sensitive femininity that was cloaked in a tomboy suit as she
dashed like a mad-hatted rabbit through the grass and pursued athletic
feats with the highest of prowess.  She loved daily dashes to hide many
squeeky balls and her special soft balls "Tail-head" and "Tail Fur".
And she loved Dad Janos' turkey goo.
She seemed so strong, but was also filled with tumors, including a liver
tumor bigger than her head, and pancreatic and adrenal tumors, all which
were removed in a stunning surgery by her fantastic vet.  Yet still we
lost her post-surgery, amidst all the grief and guilt and anger of those
who try their darnest to save these precious, sweet critters.... and
lose.  A special thanks to Lucy's Aunt Kate who held her during long car
trips to the vet, and helped with post-op care, and to Lucy's fantastic
vet.  And thank you very much also to those with whom I have already
personally corresponded and who have sent cards and notes.
With Lucy's loss I am down from a one-time business of ten (most who came
down with ECE when Lucy arrived) to my tiny, old sweet-hearted and still
feisty little runt albino Minnie, who is over eight and was expected to
show symtoms of heart problems at four or so, due to a congenital murmur
that sounds like a washing machine.  Insulinomic, balding, and nearly
blind, sweet Minnie still appreciates life and getting outdoors for a
walk, though is clearly missing her sister Lucy.
With Lucy's passing, the passing of my last strong mad-dashing ferret, I
have felt all at once the grief of losing nine sweet fur kids (over so
many years) that we have tried so hard to save - from congenital defects,
heart problems, lymphoma, adrenal, insulinoma, and various
lengthily-named tumors.  God how I miss them all right now, and I pray
that they are together at the Bridge or romping through night skies as
the brightest of twinkling stars!
Please, sweet Sandee, look for my sweet-hearted soft-fured redheaded Lucy
Lou.  She passed away August 14, about 11am PST (too young at only 6-1/2
years!) so is hopefully already well ensconced in your flock.  She is
deceptively tomboy in her daredevil romping, but please remember that
she is truly very shy and sensitive and can get very scared.  So please
handle her with kid gloves up there, even if she seems not to need it.
I shall always miss your sweet high-voiced peeping little Lucy.
Your mom Lynn, dad Janos, and sister Minnie Sweet, your auntie Kate, and
your wonderful nephs, Madison and Monty.  Goodnight sweet Lucy,
Goodnight, until we meet again!
Lucy Lou Laboda,
who spent too short time as our lovely, beloved little earthling girl
February 14, 1996 to August 14, 2002
[Posted in FML issue 3879]