Hi all,
I'm new to the site and have enjoyed reading all your postings.  I
noticed a couple of comments about bathing fuzzies.  I bath mine
weekly in the summer, less often in the winter.  (house is neither
airconditioned or heated so I have to be careful).  I often don't bother
with the soap and just let them swim around in the tub.  When I do use
soap, I use baby shampoo.  I bath them a little more often than most
folks because I'm allergic to the little darlings.  (the oil in thier
skin causes oozing scally breakouts on my face if I touch them and then
my face, YUCK!) They do have an odor, but I find it un-offensive.  I just
got a new baby too.  Brownie.  He's a doll baby.  Kiki is about a year
old, and Brownie is about 3-4 mos.
Also, noticed a post about playing with your ferrets.  I work 9 hrs a
day, and have an hour drive each way.  My time is at a premium, but I
don't want to miss playing with the fuzzies.  I solved this by taking
them in the bathroom with me in the morning's and evenings.  They play
with me and vice versa while I get ready for work/bed.  I've had Kiki,
and this routine, long enouph, that if I don't do it I get a really dirty
look on the way out the door to work!  Brownie hasn't gotten used to it
yet, but Kiki expects to go play in the bathroom every morning.  (He got
out of his house on morning last fall and went into the bathroom to
Keep up the stories.  I just love to share the silly things my fuzzies do
and hear about what other fuzzies are up to too.  (laughed myself silly
over the story about drinking "ferret water".  I'll save my stories for
another time since this is getting way long.
Nice to meet you all.  Kiss your fuzzies.
[Posted in FML issue 3879]