Yesterday while I was taking a shower I was glancing at the bottle of
soap I use for my face...very sensitive skin; on the back of the bottle
it said "sensitive enough even for a baby's skin"... and of course the
lightbulb went on in my head.
Well, later on I let my furzies play in a tub of water and decided to try
this mild soap on one of them.  I wetted her thoroughly and poured some
of this ever so mild soap on her...washed and rinsed and dried, then let
her do her own drying...
All day yesterday and today I've been sniffing her in comparison to the
one I didn't wash... LO AND BEHOLD..  the washed one smells VERY
neutral... there is actually not very much musky smell to her at all...
although the smell doesn't bother me a bit... ok, I know you're ready for
the information..
The soap is called "CETAPHIL" it is usually in the lotion section of the
drug store.  It is special because you don't actually have to rinse it
off your skin if you are sensitive to water.  Of course I didn't just
wipe it off my fert, you can rinse as well.  It leaves a very mild lotion
type smell and doesn't at all dry the skin, in fact it has emollients
that protect from drying.
Well...that's my discovery..  it's not cheap soap, but every once in a
while, what the heck!
Have a beautiful day,
Angela (Minky--the washed one & Pandora--miss musky)
[Posted in FML issue 3879]