Condolences to those with lost, sick, or angeled keyboard carousers...
(alkjpijaser adqq;ilm, kasiia;;oodawse!)
So, you wanna know who's been mounting the pennies, huh?  Well, I have to
confess.  I think it is probably Bumper Boy.  It would appear that he was
NOT informed at the place where he was borned, that he was "repaired"--if
ya know what I mean.  Therefore, he has developed the habit of trying to
mount...wait...pennies..Melissa...installing in mounting
frames...uh...never mind...
Todd and the (Yes, he's lost his mind...could someone 'PLEASE' put up a
lost and found notice? :)) Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 3877]