Hi Everyone,
Ok I know this is an odd request but please bear with me.  Most of you
that know me know the animal lover that I am and I feel that we are all
God's creatures even the furry ones :-).  My husband always tells me that
I can't expect help if I don't ask and if I am not open for help so I am
coming out to ask for help now.....If you can please pass this along as
I have seen so much good come from mass prayer and healing work.
Bless you all...
Love & angel hugs
Our little ferret Caleb was bit on the ear this past week by his little
sister during play.  This is a usual play thing for them but this time
she hit a vessel and he got a huge hematoma.  Mom was nice enough to take
him to the vet for us since I had to work and could not get off to get
him there and the vet lanced and drained it.  It was so hard for me not
to be there with him but once again I was shown to ask for help.  He is
on antibiotics for 10 days and if the hematoma comes back he will require
surgery.  I don't want to have to put such a little being through even
more trauma so we are asking for prayers and healing for this little guy.
I have been "told" to trust that it will take time for the swelling to go
down.  So I am coming to ask for any help and thank you all so much.
Below is the note I first posted about Caleb after his vet visit:
>Hi Everyone,
>Thank you to all that replyed to me about my baby's ear.  I will give you
>the update on my little deaf boy Caleb.... The wonderful mother I have
>came today to take her little fuzzy grandbaby ferret Caleb to the vet for
>me.  I had to go to work but seriously thought about calling in sick to
>take care of his poor little ear.
>For those of you that do not know what happened he apparently had his ear
>bitten in play by our little girl ferret Faith with her sharp baby teeth
>and gave him a big hematoma.  Last night we saw it when we went to clip
>his nails and it was big and purple.  This AM it was still swollen and
>the decision was made to call the vet.  By lunchtime it seemed to have
>started to drain a bit but better safe than sorry.  Mom came to pick him
>up and off to the vet he went.
>Our regular vet was on vacation so we were at the hand's of her associate
>that we had never met.  I waited patiently to hear from mom and the
>seconds felt like hours.  She kept me updated and seemed to really like
>this guy and I know she would tell me if she didn't.  When I heard that
>he had a ferret himself I felt so much better.  Ferret people know that
>if one has a ferret one knows how special these little beings are to us.
>Much different than other animals and let me tell you I am a major animal
>lover :-).
>They kept him there to lance and drain his ear and apply a compression
>bandage.  He was given antibiotics for 10 days 2x a day and told to be in
>quarantine for his own safety for three days.  He was sedated and I came
>home to hold this little bundle of fur in my arms.  I don't ever remember
>feeling so helpless with an animal.  I have never even gotten sick when
>there was something wrong with my cats but this one threw me over the
>edge.  I work in the medical field so things like this I have seen a
>dozen times before on patients and didn't bother me.  I guess maybe it is
>that I know these little ones are so helpless and depend on us to help
>them.  I am praying and ask for all your prayers that he will heal with
>the help of the angels so that he does not require surgery as we all know
>how much surgery takes out of our bodies.
>All this has taught me how special these kids are.  Even more special
>than I thought before.  It has also taught me that life is short and we
>need to take special time for ourselves and pay special attention to our
>little fuzzy ones that share our lives and homes.  They depend on us and
>we on them for love and caring.
>Have a wonderful week
>Love & angel hugs
[Posted in FML issue 3877]