Insulinoma is a common ferret problem that is tackled regularly by us
all.  Caught early, surgery cures about about 60% of the cases.  Of the
remaining 40% there can be further growths in the pancreas and then --
depending on the ferret's health and the timing -- further surgery of the
use of Prednisone, or Proglycem, or both is done.  Through the illness
the levels of the meds need to increase according to need.  If your vet
is not used to insulinoma then there are those vets who can provide both
regular consultations for your vet, and second opinions.
Here are places that have lists of ferret knowledgeable vets for
various states, provinces, etc.:,
Specifically California if you are there:,
You can also search under "Starferrets" and find a list, and check in for links to more.
These two might be harder to access, but if you ask Bill Gruber, FML
moderator at <[log in to unmask]> he can direct you to a more
recent copy of the shelter list which also gives the vets that the
shelters use.
[Moderator's note: There have been about 10 revisons to the Shetler
List since it was last distributed to subscribers.   You can get a
revised copy by e-mailing [log in to unmask] and writing
in the body of the e-mail.  BIG]
For specific questions about insulinoma and other health problems
there are multiple vets and other experts at .
(Also go to to learn a great deal as
well as these by vets:,,,, especially and, )
If the ferret is having seizures then the current medication or it's
level is not sufficient; this means that more medication is needed at
this point: either more Prednisone or also some Proglycem.  Call the vet;
get a prescription for Proglycem and ask the vet to give you a run down
on the increments for raising the Prednisone when it fails to work.
Ferrets are very resistant to steroid problems.  We have actually had a
one and half pound ferret on as much a 5 mg/day (in two doses) which is
an incredibly high dose, but at that point she had advanced insulinoma
and lymphoma so those doses gave her about a month of more of quality
time after she normally would have had a mercy shot.
Rarely, a ferret will have other serious health problems that prevent
surgery and also counter-indicate the two useful meds.  Then sweet drinks
(like water with Nutrical mixed in -- changed a few times every day)
raise the blood glucose again.  This is an option that usually best left
until the insulinoma is advanced, but has been useful for some.  There
are routes to help and hope available for her and you.
[Posted in FML issue 3849]